Monday, March 30, 2020

Art Lesson #3- Include the Whole Family in this one

Include the Whole Family in This Project

Materials- 1 piece of paper per person 
                - colors- use colored pencils, crayon, markers, or just pencils

Step 1
Each person starts with a blank paper. Set a timer for 2 minutes, person draws whatever they want until the time is up.

Step 2
Everyone passes the paper to a different person. Set timer for 2 minutes and now add to the person's drawing

Step 3
Repeat Step 2 until each person playing has added to each drawing.

We played with our family of 4. My son is 3 and had a lot of fun adding his drawings (aka scribbles) to each drawing. We had fun turning his scribbles into something.

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Art Lesson #2- Shadow Art

Lesson #2- Shadow Art
An object (best to be at least 4 inches high)
black marker, crayon, or colored pencil
At least 10 different colors (can be marker, crayon, or colored pencils)

Step 1- Pick an object that you would like to trace that is large enough to cast a shadow on paper. My daughter used a Barbie and posed it. I chose a large horse. The objects shadow should take up about half of the area on the paper.

Trace the outline of the shadow

Move the paper and object around until you get the desired shadow 

Step 2- Trace the shadow with pencil, then trace 

Step 3- Pick a color and make a design inside the outline. I recommend keeping it simple.

Step 4- Continue to trace that shape inside with various colors
Use at least 6 colors and then repeat
the color pattern

The complex shape my daughter chose became
difficult to continue tracing, but you can see it
still looks great

Step 5- Once you have finished the inside, begin the same pattern of colors on the outer shape

Step 6-Complete the color pattern to the tips and ends of the shapes.
Step 7- Start a new pattern with new colors on the outside of the outline.

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Art lesson #1- Art Using Negative and Positive space

Fun and Easy Art You Can Do At Home
Lesson #1
Painters Tape or masking tape
Your choice of Color- paint, crayon, chalk, colored pencil, or markers
Recommended surfaces:
Using chalk for color- use the sidewalk, a wooden gate/fence, or paper
Using paint- use canvas or paper
Using crayon, marker or colored pencil- use paper

Step 1:
Prepare surface- Use tape to create design

Step 2:
Add color- Use your choice of color to color in the various shapes. Add designs and texture in any way you like to each shape

Step 3: Remove tape
(if you used paint, wait for it to dry completely)

Step 4: Outlining- Optional
Use a Sharpie or bold colored marker and trace the outside of your shapes

Step 5: Use a sharpie or marker (if your surface is paper or canvas) to add pattern to your white lines 
Step 6: Take a picture and share